This is a major update for the SU35 aircraft. The plane was updated to use the aircraftX simulation, sensors framework, dynamic loadouts and support for Firewill's AWS missilebox, hitpoints and a new afterburner script. Further the old module system was hidden and is considered deprecated in favour of Eden and dynamic loadouts. There were also a number of other changes. Foremost the MFD is now in Russian, as are most if not all of the cockpit textures. The standard sonic boom effect has been added. The cannon now has a more rapid rate of fire, making it more alike to it's real life counterpart. Thanks to Firewill support for ITGT and his missilebox was added, as an optional choice. Vanilla weapons are supported through the pylon system. Please see the Changelog for further details. KNOWN ISSUES - the intrinsic SU35 weapons are merely copies of vanilla weapons, will be changed in a later update - the ejection seat does not work at 0 speed, 0 altitude - the fuel tank and buddy refueling system is broken - on some maps the aircraft position is not displayed correctly on the map MFD - slight stuttering when the afterburner is deployed - pylons can hold all weapons, will be change in a later update Changelog: [spoiler] 2017-09-04 - increase rotation speed of TGP - set min maxTurn of TGP to +/-170 - add laserdesignator_mounted and laserbatteries to weapons and magazines - ejection no longer works at 0/0 2017-08-27 - enable init eventhandler again - hide Init/Respawn module 2017-08-26 config - reduce reloadTime of cannon to 0.04 (ROF 1500 per minute) - adjusted pylon proxy positions 2017-08-18 model - remove old proxies - better pylon proxy positions, hopefully - fix kh29 mag / weapon 2017-08-17 config, scripts - add tanks, rockets to dynamic loadout - add standard loadouts - adjusted fuselage pylons 2017-08-17 config, scripts - add dynamic loadout for instant loadout scripts - adjust AB, make it slightly more powerful 2017-07-30 config, scripts - add new afterburner script, adjust for SU-35 from F-18 - change to airplaneX simulation - swap altFullForce and altNoForce 2017-06-13 config - add ITGT support for Firewill AWS - add new hitpoints structure 2017-06-12 config - add vanilla TGP - add CA_throttle to Rsc_SU35_UnitInfo - add sonic boom - add ejection seat - add sensors from F-18, slighly adjusted 2017-06-10 config, model - change cannon reloadTime from 0.1 to 0.05 (higher ROF) - add support for dynamic loadout (AWS and Vanilla) - add Russian MFCD text 2017-03-19 model - move get in and get in dir for pilot to the ground - add MFD map for the maps pictureMap 2017-03-01 config - add textures for vehicle customization 2017-02-28 config - comment some value in kab500l, following Farquharson's advice 2017-02-27 models, config - add maneuvrability = 0 to 80mm rockets - run dep3d +fx on folder 2016-08-20 config - added Lesh's towing mod support 2016-08-15 - fix fuel hud error in Eden - add preview image - add loadout for Eden - add skin selector for Eden 2016-08-11 - fix apex popups, Leshrack - fix flag and wreck path, TeTeT [/spoiler]